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Quayside Container Crane
CAS is our third generation container laser ranging system, and it can realize the accurate position of single 20ft/40ft/45ft container, double 20ft/40ft/45ft containers, four 20ft containers, double 20ft containers at front and rear

1.Chassis Alignment System with Laser Scanner

 (namely Truck Position System)

CAS is our third generation container laser ranging system, and it can realize the accurate position of single 20ft/40ft/45ft container, double 20ft/40ft/45ft containers, four 20ft containers, double 20ft containers at front and rear, tank containers, flatracks and standard chassis at the Wharf Traffic Lanes for full yard chassis and empty yard chassis in whichever truck lane under the QC.

Confirm the truck working lane via the quayside controller by the quayside workers, or via the QC cab controller by the QC driver. The microprocessor controls the programmable and rotated platform to rotate a certain range and the laser scanner will front and back dynamically detect and measure the containers of full yard chassis or empty chassis on the working traffic lane. All the information of accurate stop position of containers and chassis is stored in microprocessor program storage unit and the microprocessor takes this information as a criterion to detect and measure. The laser scanner will detect and measure the container or chassis which arrives under the QC, then the microprocessor will analyze and calculate the data information which is detected, and decide the accurate stop position of container and chassis, simultaneously, the deviation distance data that the container or chassis deviates from the lifting position of spreader is demonstrated by LED displays.  

ØOperate area: ± 1.5m from the centerline of the gantry for each neighbor truck,the high-bright LED display meets all-weather condition.

ØAccuracy:  full yard chassis within ± 5cm 

       empty yard chassis within ± 10cm



2.Containers on The Ship Stack Profiling System

Use laser scanning technique, install the laser scanner on either end of the trolley, and install one reflector on the spreader. System can real-timely detect the trolley’s position and the spreader’s position and height, automatically detect the position and height of stacked containers, and provide all the information for PLC via the data processing and analysis of the software to control the trolley’s moving and the spreader’s lifting and drop, and avoid the collision accidents between the no-load spreader and the stacked containers achieving automatic alignment between spreaders and containers on the ship, through laser ranging technology, as well as achieving automatic control of handling containers.

ØContainer stack profiling measurement accuracy: ±5cm


3.Anti-collision of the Girder of QC with Laser Scanner

According to the functional requirement, when the larger traveler is traveling, in order to avoid the collision between the boom girder and the object(s) at the top of the ship, we adopt the method of laser scanning and ranging, via the software process, to real-timely detect any object below the boom, if the object exceeds the laser scanning plane, there will have an alarm timely, and then to control the larger traveler move forward.

Install 2 laser scanners below the girder boom of QC, as shown, or install 2 laser scanners in the middle of the front girder, as shown, so as to make a horizontal scanning for the seaside or make a bevel scanning from top to bottom, detect any object that is higher than the girder boom of QC, via the data processing to filter the heavy fog, the heavy rain and the sun parallel light, and realize the girder boom anti-collision alarm and control.  

ØThe width of the identified object: no less than 20cm.

ØMeasuring accuracy: the error range is within ±30cm.


4.System Functions


Chassis Alignment System with Laser Scanner

Containers on The Ship Stack Profiling System

Anti-collision of the Girder of QC with Laser Scanner





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